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Utah Jazz at Denver Nuggets: Opponent Game Thread Highlights

February 28, 2015
tags: ,

Today’s Opponent Game Thread host: Denver Stiffs.

Who the hell is Joe Ingalls?
by Russscot on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:11 PM

How can any player be as bad as JJ Hickson?
by Mighty Thor on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:16 PM

be austin rivers?
by ESterps08 on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:17 PM

by Mighty Thor on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:18 PM

….on pace for 50 pts tonight

by Mr Duffman on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:19 PM

So you’re assuming OT?
by john.kobbeman on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:20 PM

TY looks high, and yes, I’m serious.
by RockedUp on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:20 PM

he had his DUI hearing today
by CombatChuk on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:21 PM

after which he really needed a drink.
by john.kobbeman on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:22 PM

The tank is strong in this team…
Randy Foye is coming in

by CombatChuk on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:23 PM

I watched all the bad Nuggets teams of the 90s/00’s…
Nothing compares to this.

by RockedUp on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:26 PM

Same here
and same here. Astounding.

by Mike Olson on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:27 PM

The Nuggets have had a lot of teams less talented than this one
but I’m not sure they’ve had a more dislikeable and infuriating one

by ESterps08 on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:27 PM

Shaw’s like “i cannot wait for my halftime shit”
the only successful movement he has at these games

by fireshaw on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:30 PM

this is like an embarrassing tank
one with bald tracks and fake wood paneling on the side.

by manadams on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:31 PM

And a bald commander with a fake offense
by fireshaw on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:33 PM

I’m picturing Shaw frustratedly punch dancing (footloose style) after every game, on the dark pepsi center court alone
“they won’t let me run my schemes!” and just dancing his pain out with a bottle of whipped cream burnetts in his old lakers uniform

by fireshaw on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:38 PM

How in the hell are we only down 10?
by Russscot on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:46 PM

Utah is not good.
by RockedUp on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:46 PM

Jazz TOs I think
by john.kobbeman on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:46 PM

Utah is not very good either!
by oldcoachB on Feb 27, 2015 | 7:46 PM

Shaw is a fraud.
He couldn’t coach a high school team to a league championship.

by RockedUp on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:08 PM

pleasure derived from the misery of those watching you coach

by dynamo.joe on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:09 PM

Looking forward to Thunder at Portland later.
by RockedUp on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:18 PM

Faried posting up Gobert seems like a bad idea
by Russscot on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:22 PM

It didn’t turn out very well…lol
by Mahmoud on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:24 PM

can’t shake this feeling that everyone actually from Salt Lake City is just a little bitch
by PurpleToPurple on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:28 PM

27 after 3.
Way to compete Shaw.

by RockedUp on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:48 PM

Foye in.
LOL Shaw is trolling us now.

by RockedUp on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:51 PM

Trey Burke givin us the business

by JoeKnows23 on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:51 PM

how is it even possible to get blown out by this many different teams in a row?
by TyLawesome on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:54 PM

9 straight home losses, 2-18 in the last 20
by Mahmoud on Feb 27, 2015 | 8:55 PM

just checked the box score. lol. the fuck is the matter with this lame duck FO?
by DeezNuggs on Feb 27, 2015 | 9:07 PM

Is it just me or do the Jazz have a 5’6″ twelve yr old on the court?
by Pozz303 on Feb 27, 2015 | 9:10 PM

Depressed crowd. Depressed team. Depressed coach.
Nuggets are in danger of doing irreparable damage to themselves going forward. Regardless of draft pick.

by Jeffrey Morton on Feb 27, 2015 | 9:16 PM


I’m considering more and more going to the Kings game just to somehow track down Karl and tell him
as a Nuggets fan, how much we miss him and appreciate all he did for this team for 9 years…not sure that is possible to do though.

by RockyMountainWay91 on Feb 27, 2015 | 9:21 PM

Off-Day Odds and Ends

February 27, 2015

One. Randy Rigby on whether the Jazz plan to use their cap space this off-season:
Well, I’m not gonna say def–for sure. I’m leaving that to Dennis [Lindsey], and then, Dennis is brilliant. I think we’ve seen the results of what Dennis Lindsey has brought to this mart-place and to our team, and a great asset and resource for the Utah Jazz.

And I think, the plan is to utilize cap space at some point, in this progress, that we’ve talked about. And so, it may be some this year. It may be all of it later, in the next year or two. I think in the relative short term, you will see that too–that ass*–that tool being used. …

And so, I think the netur–natural evolution is now going to be, in us being financially in a good place, which we really are, is to now say, “Who are the right additional veteran components you add to that team, to now take us to those next level?”

And that is what will happen, and that’s what we’re going to be doing, because it will just, and I think what’s exciting to me, is actually those individuals, those players who are also say, “Hey, this is an exciting young team. I can now come and be a part of that team and be that difference-maker, to now take them to those new heights.”

And you’re gonna have players that are gonna want to really be there and be that difference-maker.

* Yes, Rigby said “dat ass.”

Two. What color is this dress?



For the record, these are the colors I see.

dress colors

Three. Phil Johnson on coaches and players having a responsibility to talk to the media:
Today’s world is really surprising, what’s going on. You’ve got a player’s association, what, she’s director of the player’s association now? She’s talking about the press people shouldn’t be in the locker room, and, I mean, writers shouldn’t be in the locker room?

And, I mean, guys are, you know, you got guys in football that are saying they won’t talk, and they act like, you know, that they’re doing you a favor. It’s kinda disturbing, the whole thing to me. Isn’t it to you guys, to have what’s going on, to, I mean, it’s, you, the press, you have a job to do.

And you know what, it surprised me. For instance, last night, to be honest with you, I mean, I think our guys were having a hard time getting some of our players to do interviews for the TV proje–broadcast last night. [Elijah] Millsap’s the only one that came on.

So, you know what? Win, lose or draw, go out and talk to the press, give ’em, answer their questions, and go home. You know? That’s what it’s all about. So, it’s a little disturbing to me. Isn’t it, you guys?

1280 host No. 1: Very much so.

1280 host No. 2: Well, that’s, and you know, and it kind of throws me for a loop a little bit, because, you know, I came in here in the market in 2003, so I obviously had a lot of years of being able to stand outside those locker rooms and interview you and Jerry [Sloan], and whether it was a big win or a horrible loss, Jerry, you could set your watch to him. You knew exactly when he was gonna walk out of that door and address the media. And–

1280 host No. 1: He didn’t waste your time.

1280 host No. 2: He didn’t. He knew you had a job to do, and he respected it, and your staff always was tremendous.

PJ: Well, you know what? He put it on the players too. He sa–a couple of ’em, a couple of times went in the back room, and acted like they were getting treatments and stuff. And he told ’em, “Hey, none of that. If you lose, win or lose, get out there and do your job” and that type of thing.

And so, but that goes back — you know what, Jerry was, I watched that, him as a player. And he was, he, the press loved him in Chicago because he would talk to them. Win or lose. He wasn’t trying to court them or anything, but he was there, and he would do the interview, and some of the players wouldn’t and that type of thing.

And so, as a player, it’s just, it just makes sense, and as a coach, it just makes sense to be cordial and do your job. And hey, it’s no fun. That’s, that was the best part for me, as an assistant coach. I didn’t have to do that that much.

Four. Young Quin Snyder with young Danny Ferry in 1988, via @si_vault:

Five. Quin Snyder on why he started Trey Burke in the second half against the Lakers:
You know, Dante [Exum], I felt like, was tired. And just looked at the way he was moving, I thought he came out with some juice.

But you know, I felt like Trey was — he didn’t have, you know, a really remarkable line where you could look at and say he scored or he’s doing this maybe the way he was doing, playing against San Antonio. But I felt like it was something that, it could help our team. And I also liked the idea of Dante on Jeremy Lin off the bench as well…

You guys know I make a little less of the starting lineup in my mind, especially with our team, because, you know, we have the inconsistency with youth, at times with individual players’ performances, and we have the same thing, as you saw last night, with our team in general.

We’re, we’ve got four rookies in the rotation. We start a 19-year-old, a 24-year-old and a 22-year-old, and Gordon [Hayward] who’s our elder statesman. So, it, our oldest player now, I think, is a rookie, in Joe Ingles. So, in some sense, we, you know, we have Joe and Elijah who are a little older, but they’ve never played in this league, and so I don’t want to accept some of the inconsistencies. I think we have to really dig in on ’em.

We’ve got a group that’s been honest with themself all year, and Trey maybe as much as anybody. You know, I’ve said really hard things to Trey, and asked him to come off the bench, and he’s embraced that role. And that may not be the role for the rest of his career or the rest of this year, but right where we are right now, I think it helps the team and, just like I thought it helped the team last night for him to start the second half.

Six. From time to time, I take a look at the search terms that brought people to this site. One that pops up more often than you’d think is “Is Carlos Boozer gay?” Well, Randy Rigby possibly outed Carlos Boozer during his weekly interview on 1280 with this quote:

Carlos Boozer was a, had a good heart and a good man.

Game 56 of 82: Utah Jazz vs. Los Angeles Lakers (21-35)

February 26, 2015

With 2.2 seconds to go, Derrick Favors scores and cuts the Lakers’ lead to two, with a chance to make it one.

Cue Classy Laker Fan:

classy laker fan

Post-Game Quotage
** Quin Snyder on the game
We just were weak. Weak-minded, and just not precise in our spacing. You know, we were running pick and roll. We had two guys standing next to each other. There just wasn’t, we didn’t react. They were aggressive on their pick and roll defense, and you know, we didn’t, we just didn’t react. But yeah, we, you know, we had a couple opportunities in spite of that to make plays, and — I think makeable plays — and we didn’t.
** Snyder on why the Jazz had 21 turnovers
Lack of mental toughness. Lack of precision. Being weak-minded. Looking around to have someone to blame. Some reason other than be tougher. Taking responsibility for someone knocking the ball out of your hands…It’s a NBA game. People are gonna be physical, and just can’t, you can’t be that easy to, can’t give the ball up that easy.


** Gordon Hayward on the game
It’s definitely something you wish you could take back and play over. Just came out in the third quarter super flat, and you know, obviously turning the ball over way too much, so. … Not a good loss for us.
** Hayward, asked if he agrees with Quin Snyder chalking the loss up to lack of mental toughness
I mean, it’s, I guess we need to be more mentally tough, and able to come out with the same intensity as we did in the first half. Just, like I said, turned the ball over way too much, so.
** Trey Burke on the game
We’re upset about this one. This is a tough one for us, that we felt like we could’ve won…We made too many mistakes, had too many turnovers, and I think it started with me.

** Rudy Gobert, asked to assess his performance tonight
I think we should’ve won the game. That’s what I think.
** Gobert on how the Jazz can keep energy up
We gotta keep communicating, and I feel like everybody, nobody was talking at the end…I think the leaders of our team just gotta step up and we gotta talk to each other, and bring the energy.
** Elijah Millsap on the game
They brought energy. You know, coaches had energy. The fans had energy. This one’s just on us, man.

Random Stuff, etc.
** People calling Rudy Gobert dunks “layups”: Matt Harpring (H/T @mac_jazz)
** People calling Trevor Booker “Boozer”: Craig Bolerjack (H/T @Mark_R_Pereira)
** People calling Jordan Clarkson “Jordan Clarkston”: Matt Harpring
** A PSA about the dangers of roofies, starring Bear:


Unintentional Dirty Quote Machines of the Night (UDQM)
** Matt Harpring: Boozer really struggles with length. (H/T @Mark_R_Pereira)
** Harpring: Millsap is going to the hole extremely hard. Now watch him go up. His left arm almost goes into the chest and the throat of Boozer. (H/T @timebomb801)
** Craig Bolerjack: Jazz get a tip by Rudy. (H/T @Mark_R_Pereira)
** Boler: GOBERT!!!! Buries it.

Red denotes most recent game.

game 56

Thanks to @dianaallen for the assist on the W-L record tonight.

Utah Jazz vs. Los Angeles Lakers: Opponent Game Thread Highlights

February 26, 2015
tags: ,

Today’s Opponent Game Thread host: Silver Screen and Roll.

Hayward’s gonna have a field day
Ryan Kelly and new Wes Johnson on him

by RRV on Feb 25, 2015 | 6:15 PM

Why does Utah pass the ball so much?
Don’t they understand the power of everyone going iso?

by VoR on Feb 25, 2015 | 6:47 PM

Damn Jazz are completely falling apart.
by LadyAlannya on Feb 25, 2015 | 7:26 PM

Hello to all 6 or 7 of you Gamethread peeps! I seez the Lakers are trying their best to make the game interesting…
Hopefully they remember to pack it in sometime later for the tank future…

by Lakerchariot on Feb 25, 2015 | 7:42 PM

Exum is a true mystery
Why in the world was he so high on the draft board. Lakers dodged a bullet there.

by incendy on Feb 25, 2015 | 7:44 PM

OH look at that pro tanking by the Lakers…
by Lakerchariot on Feb 25, 2015 | 7:46 PM

Not sure if that is it so much as the Jazz stopped playing like absolute shit.
by VoR on Feb 25, 2015 | 7:47 PM

and Boozer on the bench
As crazy as it sounds, he is definitely the Lakers best player haha

by incendy on Feb 25, 2015 | 7:50 PM

I don’t think that is crazy
His offense and smarts are there — his defense is just turrible

by VoR on Feb 25, 2015 | 7:51 PM

He’s been really professional about this, too
Would have been easy to check out on this season with the awful record and being benched by Byron

by DeQuan “Smallpox” Randolph on Feb 25, 2015 | 7:52 PM

Damn, Jazz can’t put the Lakers away.
I hate these mixed emotions.

by VoR on Feb 25, 2015 | 7:58 PM

well, we have reached that awkward point of the game..
Go Jazz : (

by incendy on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:09 PM

What is wrong with the Jazz?
My goodness. Trying their best to give us this game.

by DeQuan “Smallpox” Randolph on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:15 PM

Gobert is a big dude.
by LakerAce on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:17 PM

Scott’s end game management – smh…
Apparently he doesn’t understand the difference between a one possession and a two possession game.

by VoR on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:20 PM

Tank Commander
by sAFROtese on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:21 PM

It’d be okay if I believed he was trying to tank
The problem is I really don’t think he knows the difference.

by VoR on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:22 PM

it really is

by Capt’n Shugg on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:24 PM

Sigh…lottery day is just going to turn into stress day isn’t it…?
by Lakerchariot on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:25 PM

Seriously tho fuck the Knicks
Those fuckers should have at least been a playoff team in the East coming into the season, they got so cot dayum awful so fast

by sAFROtese on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:28 PM

come on Jazz..
We need this loss.

by incendy on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:25 PM

1-15 FG and 5-12 FT in the last 7:37

by The Dude Abides on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:27 PM

It’s hard to lose to that.
by VoR on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:30 PM

by LadyAlannya on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:29 PM

by DeQuan “Smallpox” Randolph on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:30 PM

by LadyAlannya on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:30 PM

Tank tried to make a run at the end, but no dice.
by LakerAce on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:31 PM

Damnit Byron…
by Q.Calloway25 on Feb 25, 2015 | 8:49 PM

Bits from Karl Malone Interviews

February 25, 2015
tags: ,


Do you still ball?
No, sir. Not really.

When you were done, you were just done?

Well, the reason I was done, is like this. I felt that Imma give you every ounce I got, when I played, my training in the off-season. I felt like I was gonna do that all the time. So when I finished playing, it’s not gon be a comeback.

I’ve gave you the best respect I can give any fan, as a Karl Malone fan. I’m not gonna play with your emotion going back and forth. I gave you everything I got. Then the next chapter.

Now, I train now because I got some older sons, and they grab old man sometime. And I just wanna be able to fend them off every now and then…You know what, and I’m not gonna play fair. But the thing about it is, the reason I feel like that as an athlete was because when I’m done, I’m done. Life goes on, and you have to know when to say when and go on with your life.

You could have played two more years and broken the scoring record.
OK. Can I tell you something that’s interesting about that? I was the worst free throw player, worst free throw shooter probably ever to start the gam–start, right? How about this? I missed, in my career, 19 years, I missed right at 6,800 free throws. So, you get this? If I made 2,000 [or] 2,400, whatever the number is — if I would’ve shot 70 percent my first five years.

So, but, here’s what my thing is. When the passion left, when I was more concerned about who was refereeing the game, no, no, because I had to adjust my game to their style of calling. “Oh, you big and strong. You want to us call every foul?” Yeah, if he foul at the time. Why do you think I spent time in the weight room? To impose my will on you.

So, my thing is, when it became a job — it’s called playing basketball. And when it became a job, it was time for me to move on…

I went to the Lakers my last year. Would not have changed that for anything. That’s how I wanted. I wanted to write my ending. I got hurt, ok, but how this sound? I tell people all the time, if you don’t have failure, your success gon be hit and miss. But if you have true failure, you understand.

August of probably the biggest year in my career, going to another team, my mom died suddenly of a heart attack. Right? So I get hurt. Hindsight, I don’t know if I could’ve handled that if I didn’t have such adversity. It was the worst thing ever.

I went, I was bitter. Why can’t I walk on the beach here at Newport Beach, and watch three sets of parents still alive, drinking wine out of a bottle, smoking cigars? My mom didn’t do any [of that]. So, I went through all of that…

I’m a southern Baptist. I had a question just about every day for six month, and I got the same answer from God every time. I said, “God, why me?” And God responded me, the response to me was, “Take your worst enemy, right, that you don’t like, would you want him or her to feel like you feel right now? Why not you?” You see what I’m saying? So people can sit here and talk all they want to. That’s the answer I got every single time.

You had a little issue with Kobe Bryant…
We had a little issue. But here’s the thing about it. I’m a grown man, right? Kobe’s a grown man too. That’s how man do it. If you go the other route, you kinda go down in my book a little bit. Now, are we cool? I don’t hold grudges.

Have you spoken to him since you left the Lakers?

Uh, “Wassup?” (head nod) … Look, you walking down this hall, I’m walking down this hall, I know what you said about me. (head nod) “What up?” That’s it. Meaning, what up now, however way you wanna go with it, but what up? (head nod) I acknowledge you.

Do you feel tension when you see him?

I don’t feel tension…Really and truly how deep it is, you have the problem. I don’t. ‘Cause, I love western. I’m old-school west. Back in the day when you had a beef, you didn’t go get guns or knive. You just, “Hey, I got a problem.” We just go in the back with no cameras, no nothing, and let’s just knuckle up and get it over with.

Did you make that offer to Kobe?

No, but it’s standing.

Did Kobe ever come to you in a way that made you think he wanted to fight?

Not really, but hey. You know, here’s what I say to you. I don’t have a problem. And people say whatever they wanna say and that’s great. I’m 6-9, 272, to be exact. I’m not hard to find. I don’t want no trouble, but w–if it got, if something gotta go down, I’m not playing fair. We gotta get down though, we gotta get down. I’m just telling you.

How do you think you’d do in today’s NBA?
Since we’re on that subject: I think one of the biggest things with me right now is young guys that’s taking rest. I understand coach [Gregg] Popovich, ’cause I love him to death and he grandfathered in, and he won a championship and all that. But you turn on the TV now, this guy’s out for rest. A young guy that ain’t did nothing, right? What you resting for, right?

And my thing is, I love to see good basketball, and I might be axing too much at this: I want young men to play hard. That’s all I want. [Today’s NBA is] you score this time, I score this time. I’m sorry. Look, I love, LeBron Jame’, I love watching him…

I’m sorry, you on another team now. I know I won two championship with you and all that, but we gonna catch up some other time…

My mom always used to say to me, “Karl, I got a question for you. Now, remember now, your mom old, gray-head lady.”

I said, “Yes ma’am.”

She said, “Would you hit your mom if I was on the opposite team playing against you?”

Now, I looked closer to her, I said, “I wouldn’t hit you as hard.” But that’s how my mom taught me, my grandpa taught me. Impose your will, play clean. (Huffington Post)

Karl Malone and the Dallas Mavericks
I would like to get something that have haunted me for a lotta years. I must admit something, all right? I really and truly was so disappointed that the Mavericks didn’t draft me. Now, it worked out great for me in Utah, so I would like to come clean here and say something. I must admit for my first 10 years playing against the Mavericks, I wanted to beat them really bad. I got to say that and get it off my chest.

Why’d you want to play for the Mavs so bad?

Because they had me out, when they didn’t have no restrictions, seven to eight times before the draft to the point that I was just convinced they were gonna draft me. But they didn’t. But I must admit, that’s, and I wanted to be closer to home. So, but, you know what? I still was close to home, I just went to Utah, which, if we were still in New Orleans, that would’ve been perfect too.

But I just always, growing up, wanted to play for the Mavericks if I had an opportunity to play at the next level. They didn’t [draft me], so it hurt my feelings for about 10 years, but it worked out unbelievable for me in Utah, as you know. (105.3 The Fan)

Game 55 of 82: Utah Jazz at San Antonio Spurs (21-34)

February 24, 2015

rudy timmy

no spurs(Reference)

Pre-Game Quotage
** Gregg Popovich, asked for his assessment of the job Quin Snyder has done with the Jazz roster
Godawful. You think I would say something bad?…Quin is a guy who is easy to follow, because he’s clear-minded and he’s intelligent. He knows what he wants to get done. And I think the guys are doing a great job with understanding his system and taking on that physicality and aggressiveness that he’s looking for at both ends of the floor. So, I think everything is motoring along fantastically.
** Pop on how he decides how and when to rest players
It’s a seat-of-the-pants sort of thing…The [goal] is to always try to be as fresh as we can, and to develop a bench. And you know, you can’t develop a bench if they sit there. They’ve gotta play.
** David Locke: Have you come back to playing with two bigs more often than maybe you were at this point a year ago? Is that evolving, or is that just happening?
Pop: I remember you. You always try to ask basketball questions, and you have no clue what you’re talking about. But you always try to find a trend or something. I have no idea. Sometimes we play two bigs, sometimes we play small. It depends who we’re playing. But there’s no intent to go in one direction or the other. Is that OK?

locke tweetJust a smidge exaggerated.

Post-Game Quotage
** Quin Snyder, asked about the significance of winning two games against the Spurs
Well, you know, the first time we played them, Tony Parker wasn’t playing, and then, you know, we got manhandled down there. So I don’t, you know, it’s, you know, it’s a game. You know, we played hard. You know, they’re the world champions, and you know, there’s, I have so much respect for everyone, you know, whether — obviously Pop, and their players. And so, I, you know, our guys just tried to come out and play hard. And sometimes, you play well. And we played well tonight.

boler cam

** Derrick Favors on all the talk in the locker room being about tanking this time last year
We went through all that last year, you know, all that tanking talk and we need to lose games here and there…We went through all that last year, but you know, this year, you know, we improved a lot from last year. We learned a lot, and you know, we’re not trying to go out there and lose games no more. We trying to go out there and just build on what we got, and keep improving out here to get back in the playoffs.
** Favors on playing team basketball
We don’t want to be one of those teams where, you know, one guy do everything offensively. You know, obviously, Gordon [Hayward] our main offensive guy, basically. But we want to be a team where, you know, anybody can have a good night, anybody can take most of the shots or whatever, and have a great night. So you know, we just wanna play as a team offensively; move the ball, be unselfish, and get everybody involved.
** Gordon Hayward, asked when was the last time he felt like he had teammates as committed to defense as himself
You know, I can’t say. I just think that we’re all really buying into the system, as far as what [Snyder] wants us to do. And you know, I think there’s been mistakes throughout the year, you know, of course, and we’re still a young team. We still got a lotta areas to improve on, but definitely of late, we’ve been really playing well on that end.

hayward-towel-hairNo, your eyes do not deceive you. 1) Hayward smiled. 2) His hair never moved.

** Trey Burke on his defense
Every night, [Snyder] tells me, “This should be your best game defensively.” … Today, as soon as I came in, he told me, “This should be your best defensive game,” and I tried to just, you know, live up to that challenge. You know, I accepted the challenge and it’s something that I need to do every day, every game.
** Rudy Gobert, asked why Quin Snyder has been able to get the most out of this team
I think Quin teach…the right thing [to] help us win, which is defense, communication. And you know, the things are not every coach talk about. You know, I think he’s doing a great job to let us offend, on the offensive end stay focused, move the ball, get out in transition, and try and make us play great defense.
** Gobert, asked what he’s most proud about with the overall defensive effort in the last two games
I like the way we communicate, you know? Everybody was a little bit shy [at the beginning of the season]…They didn’t want to talk, and I think, I feel like now, I’m trying to make sure everybody’s talking. And the, Joe [Ingles] doing the same too, and G, Fav are talking way more now. And the team is just taking off, because we just all on the same page defensively.
** Elijah Millsap on the shot he took to the face from Trey Burke
You guys get it on camera? I’m thinking about pressing charges. You know, he caught me real good. But yeah, it was a great win.

Random Stuff, etc.
** People calling Leroy Richardson “Tony Brothers”: Craig Bolerjack (H/T @bjcseven)
** Dante Exum shirtless!

dante child

** Absolutely love this. Relatedly or not, Matt Harpring of #GeographyFails fame did not work this broadcast.

united nations

Red denotes most recent game.

game 55

Utah Jazz vs. San Antonio Spurs: Opponent Game Thread Highlights

February 24, 2015
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Today’s Opponent Game Thread host: Pounding the Rock.

Yo, Gordon. A little dab’ll do ya! That’s too much Brylcreem.
by Badpierre on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:17 PM

Every time!
by chajamamama on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:17 PM

We don’t get ANY CALLS any more….sad
by ThatTimDuncanGuy on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:20 PM

our team just doesnt look the same
by hurts2bgood on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:22 PM

Excuse me as I go to the corner of sadness :(
by ThatTimDuncanGuy on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:26 PM

We can’t even beat trash teams like the Jazz, we have a serious problem. A serious problem indeed.
by ThatTimDuncanGuy on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:27 PM

team doesnt look interested in playing basketball
by hurts2bgood on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:28 PM

Pop is having a hard time beating his disciples scattered all over this league.
by sambunnell on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:30 PM

Teams like Jazz are scoring 28 on us in a quarter. It’s a pity.
by nish21 on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:34 PM

We are done.
by nish21 on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:40 PM

That stupid beard has been the source of our troubles this season. I desperately want to kidnap Pop, strap him down, and shave that dumb shit off.
The Beard of Mediocrity.

by ThatTimDuncanGuy on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:43 PM

I fear the beard. I fear it’s infiltrating our team psyche and making us lose.
by sambunnell on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:46 PM

That beard should be called Richard Jefferson II.
by 9inchDude on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:47 PM

WTF these guys are playing Bell Biv Devoe? lol
by Chanthasouk on Feb 23, 2015 | 8:56 PM

Guys. I just realized. We started sucking when we played the Jazz earlier, and we haven’t stopped sucking since then.
by ThatTimDuncanGuy on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:08 PM

so we close the circle tonight and then start playing like the Spurs again.
by AsGoodAs on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:09 PM

Oh god, things are hopeless lmao.
by Chanthasouk on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:09 PM

I was expecting the Spurs to come out strong tonight after 2 straight losses. But so far it just seems like another lackluster performance.
by mission20 on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:12 PM

They are too old to perform at altitude.
by Badpierre on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:13 PM

Half the team has forgotten how to play basketball, the other half has stopped caring about basketball.
by anton.gregory on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:18 PM

Could Pop shave this jinxbeard?
by fuzzy_quack on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:22 PM

When Trey Burke leads all the scores we need to worry.
by nish21 on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:39 PM

Fucking Joe Engles
by TambaIsDaMan on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:41 PM

Pop needs to take that 25000 fine and get some respect for the Spurs. Call these fuck boy refs out for their shit every night against us.
The Spurs: the only team in the league who doesn’t have a home court advantage…anywhere

by ThatTimDuncanGuy on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:47 PM

Can we stay in front of ANYONE this year?!?!
by TambaIsDaMan on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:52 PM

this is SO frustrating
by AsGoodAs on Feb 23, 2015 | 9:52 PM

So, I’m assuming from the score that there is not a lot of Spurs basketball being played?
by SpursFanTN on Feb 23, 2015 | 10:01 PM

According to a lot of us: Spurs basketball no longer exists.
by Dark Black on Feb 23, 2015 | 10:02 PM

by chajamamama on Feb 23, 2015 | 10:17 PM

You know what? WE ARE THE FUCKING REIGNING NBA CHAMPIONS. I dont give a crap about anything. We are number 1 until someone wins it in June.
by Mauro Tardella on Feb 23, 2015 | 10:17 PM

hello 8 seed here we come
by bet2win on Feb 23, 2015 | 10:18 PM

I have to get this idea out there: Rudy Gobert to San Antonio in ’17
Hear my out.
1. I’ve really thought for some time that Spurs could use an athletic rim protector. The league’s getting more athletic on a daily basis, we could use some help in that regard.
2. Tiago’s contract finishes in ’17 and so does Gobert’s. Tiago will be around 32, and I’d imagine a low-medium salary for another season or two as extension. That allows some money to be spent on a FA big.
3.Whether Timmy stays or not until ’17, we’ll never know. But if he does, he’s a great mentor for every big. Even if he retires at that point, I can’t see him not staying as part of the team one way or another, and could probably mentor guys anyways. I’d imagine any big would love to workout with him.
4. HE’S FRENCH and we’ve got the greatest frenchman in history (and boris).

by Jonathan Chang on Feb 23, 2015 | 10:19 PM

Bits from Randy Rigby (2/18) and Dennis Lindsey (2/19) Interviews

February 23, 2015
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randy rigby

You say any sort of move you make before the trade deadline, it’s simply to further the progress that you’re on and the process that you’re involved in. What type of move indicates that?
You know, I think from that end, I’m best at, that’s not my expertise. I don’t want to, I’m not gonna speak for Dennis [Lindsey], and, you know, and, for Dennis, Kevin [O’Connor], Justin [Zanik]. That’s really, their s–they’re looking at a l–there’s a lot of things out there. There’s a lot of talk going ou–on right now in the NBA.

And you know, I think it’s best, on my end, that I just would say that, I’m not gonna speculate right now spec–in any kind of, even, generic, kind of ideas. ‘Cause there’s so many variables of what it could be.

But again, I think the foundational things that I think is important, though, is, is that we’re continuing in this arc of developing foundational younger, to bec–from younger, to more maturing players, i.e. the Favors, the Haywards, the Alec Burks, seeing the, the m–to the younger ones, in the Trey Burkes and the Rudy Goberts, and Enes Kanters, those players continuing in their growth and development, and keeping ourself financially in a position so that we can look at moves that could potentially keep us in a financial situation that allows us to add some pieces to that, that then gives us a place that we can continue to move from being in the…trajectory that we’re at now, to, up to where we’re actually a, competing for now, playoff, to then, as we mature, to championship caliber.

Do you keep up to date on deals that don’t involve you?
Oh, very much so. Those, their phones are constantly, are constantly talking. They are constantly apprised of what is going on. They’re apprised of what is even just being talked about.

It is, it’s a very fluid process, with all of the, and then they’re getting very good intelligence of potentially speculation. They get good intelligence from other teams, of what other teams’ scenarios, of what other teams would consider doing?

Not even talking about specific names, but kind of holes and positions,* and it allows them to do, be looking at a variety of, then, individual team trades, multi-team trades.

It’s a very dynamic process, and it’s a huge, it’s almost like 30 people at one big, big chess board that’s very, that’s moving constantly.


Give us a good, solid, behind-the-curtains…trade deadline story.
Well, I think the one that caught us is really, wi–that caught me, was the time I was actually with our sponsors as well, on a trip, and it w–we were dealing with the trade deadline, and this was the Deron Williams experience.

And literally, I was checking in regularly with Kevin, Bob Hyde. Greg [Miller] was back at his office, and every indication was, it looks like the trade deadline was gonna come and go, and we didn’t think much with, would, there would be an opportunity.

And next thing I know, literally I’m getting, my phone’s r–going off the hook, and Kevin is now all of a sudden saying we’re making this move, it’s happening in three minutes. And literally, we pull off the trade with Deron Williams.

** The segment concludes with Spencer Checketts’ expert insider analysis that nothing will happen on the Jazz front before the trade deadline because the Jazz aren’t willing to sacrifice the structure of the team for a “malcontent.” According to Checketts, the Jazz won’t trade Enes “because they hold all the cards. And what Enes did last week was such a stupid misstep — and I don’t know if it was the ‘League of Shadows’ Max Ergul* telling him what’s what or Enes just decided to go rogue, but it was stupid. It was dumb. Because if I’m Dennis Lindsey, I’m like, dude, you just took away all of our leverage and now when my phone rings and it’s Danny Ainge or it’s, you know, Sam Hinkie or any general manager throughout the league, they’re gonna offer me dirt, you know, dirt-cheap price for you.” (1280)

* Just the epitome of classiness right there, mocking a foreign name. Way to go, Checketts. Way to represent the Larry H. Miller Group and the Utah Jazz.


Did Enes Kanter have both offensive and defensive limitations that made you think trading him was addition by subtraction?
No, I wouldn’t, we, you know, we would never go there. You know us, and we’re thankful for Enes. He, look, he’s worked three and a half years for us, very hard. He’s good people. He’s very motivated. You know, at some level, you get his angst about wanting more opportunity. I think that was more the first two years that he was here. And you know, emotional after, you know, any one game. …

Enes and I had a great conversation. His agent and I had a great conversation. And you do so much repeat business that, in this business, that you just never disparage anybody on the way out the

How much did Enes’ trade request come into play with the trade?
Zero. Zero…It had zero to do with the decision today, and zero to do with Enes Kanter and his character.

Was there interest from other teams due to a perception that you couldn’t pay all three young bigs and keep them all happy?
Well, one, we could have, but again, it’s, those resources, due to the collective bargaining agreement, are finite. And in some ways, you, we’d be better off talking about units, rather than dollars. Dollars elicit emotion, maybe more. When you spend those units, you’re done. And again, we sit here today with a very significant young player group; a burgeoning core, if you will. …

Rudy’s exponential growth, we didn’t expect that. I didn’t expect that, but you gotta react to it and acknowledge it a little bit…I didn’t anticipate Derrick [Favors] developing the power forward skills that he has today. It’s a credit to him and his commitment to Salt Lake City in the off-season and his conditioning. And so, you have to start looking at asset allocation, as cold as that sounds.

On trading a No. 3 pick for “intangible” assets
The last I checked, the future always turns into the present…Now, again, we don’t want to turn this into a perpetual rebuild, and we do think we have some things now that we can get better. And that “now” is Gordon Hayward getting better, becoming a better leader, doing what we’ve asked; Derrick gaining “four” skills that were, frankly, we never thought he’d have.

The third pick thing, I get. But at the end of the day, if it’s Wesley Matthews or Danny Green on a scrap heap grab and they have merit, you do, you grab that; if it’s Rudy Gorbert as a late first-round pick.

So, at a certain point in time, you look at what you’ve invested to initially gain the player, gain the asset, but you know, once you have a particular player, then you gotta assess the now. So, Rudy’s 27[th pick], Enes’ 3[rd pick] really, frankly, doesn’t go into the equation.

The Jazz will have a major addition next year
We’re gonna have a big addition to the Utah Jazz next year, and his name’s Alec Burks. … In some ways, Alec may be one of our bigger, if not biggest, additions to, you know, [the] 15-16 [season]. … Our best acquisition probably next season’s gonna be Alec Burks.

** People calling Rudy Gobert “Rudy Gorbert” in three different interviews: Dennis Lindsey.
** Dennis Lindsey, making Dante Exum sound like a drag queen: Dante Exum, with his tools and his makeup and his character at 19 years old, who knows what it’s gonna look like at 22?

Dennis Lindsey, Unintentional Dirty Quote Machines of the Night (UDQM)
** On the Jazz’s goals: Our goals are long-focused and you know, our lens is very long and deep, and so, there’s multiple angles here.
** On Tibor Pleiss: What he is is, he’s a large man, and he’s getting bigger…He’s big. He has a very good touch.
** On how many deals he had on the table: There’s always a lotta conversation, and it’s hard to characterize ’cause you really never know what you can do until someone says yes.
** On the last few days before the trade deadline: Kevin O’Connor came in for the last few days and he was able to tell me where I was messing up, and he did so several times. And then you come together as a group, and you talk it out.
** On free agency: If that person wants to say yes to what they see, then we’ll jump on that as well. (1280, 700, Locked on Jazz)

Goodbye, Enes Kanter. I’ll miss you!

February 22, 2015






enes kiss-s



Game 54 of 82: Utah Jazz vs. Portland Trail Blazers (20-34)

February 22, 2015


Pre-Game Quotage
** Rudy Gobert on his deleted tweet
I just spoke my mind, you know? Sometimes I speak my mind, so. I don’t think that was this bad, you know? That was just a little bit funny, and I just deleted it because I didn’t know — you know, but, yeah. I’ll be careful next time.
** Derrick Favors on having previously said he was more comfortable at power forward
Yeah, I said it in the past, but you know, I feel like I’m comfortable wherever they play me now. You know, I think I was being selfish at first saying I’m more comfortable at the power forward, but you know, now wherever they put me, I’m fine with that.
** Favors, asked if he’s going to start shooting 3-pointers
Not yet. Not yet. I need a off-season to work on it, but you know, hopefully by next year or year after that, you know, I can extend my range to the 3-point line. But you know, right now, just gon continue to play the way that I always played.
** Dante Exum on what he learned from Steve Novak
Steve was a great guy on and off the court. And he helped me a lot, and, just developing kind of that NBA mindset and how it was to be a professional and handle yourself off the court. And just on the court, I, he, obviously a great shooter…And he had a few tips for me [on shooting], so, yeah.
** Joe Ingles on Rudy Gobert’s defense on LaMarcus Aldridge
To have that agility and the length, obviously, on top of it, and being able to stay down and not go for shot fakes, is pretty impressive for a 7-2 Frenchman.
** Ingles on the trade
Everyone knows me and Steve got on really well…so yeah, disappointed to lose, obviously, a friend and a teammate. But yeah, hopefully he can go win a championship or something. Then, yeah, obviously the same with Enes [Kanter]. Great player, and hopefully he got what he wanted to do.

Sadness. (via @lenmahl)

Post-Game Quotage*
** Quin Snyder on the game
I think we played, like, pure. You know, I think, you know, we made some mistakes, but for the most part guys tried to, they played for one another. You know, and when you’re unselfish like that, and you know, you don’t care what happens and you, they were trying to make each other better, and I just think you get rewarded for that. Obviously you gotta make a shot or two, but I, that was kinda what it felt like to me on the floor, that we just kinda played with a purity.
** Snyder on Trey Burke
He’s working. You know, he’s working on his mid-range, his floater. He’s always had that pull-up. I want him to shoot the ball when they go under behind the screen. That’s the next thing for him, but his reads are getting better. And he’s in there, and he’s trying to make the right play…I just think he’s improving. Tonight, he made it, you know, it’s been coming. Tonight, the ball went in the basket for him.
** Snyder on Rudy Gobert’s two early fouls
The reality of the thing was, he was probably excited and he left his feet. I know Alex Jensen was angry, ’cause we showed him about 10 clips, and, “Don’t leave your feet.” And it’s, you know, against a player of that caliber, it’s hard not to. But I, you know, I think both he and Trevor [Booker] were c–were really juiced up and they did a good job when they settled down.

quin wave

** Rudy Gobert, asked if he feels his defensive toughness has had a big influence on the team
Of course. You know, I think that’s what this team was really needing, you know, some character and somebody that, you know, ready on fight and be ready to fight because that’s what you need to win games. You know, and I think this team really need somebody like that, and I think when I do it, everybody following. You know, everybody playing [with] the same fire.
** Gobert on the importance of communication
It’s very important when you, it’s a five game — I mean, it’s a five-on-five game, so the guard — if the, if I want the guard to be able to play good defense on the perimeter, they gotta know what’s coming, because if they get hit by a screen, they won’t trust me and then they won’t play same defense. You know, so they just gotta trust me and know, like, when I call the screen, and the screen coming and know I’m gonna have their back if they get beat.

** Gordon Hayward on the game
Not a lot of complaints tonight. We played really well on the defensive end; that sparked us offensively. Everybody was taking shots that were open. We were making the right play, making the right pass. It was fun.
** Hayward on Gobert
He’s gonna get better on [the offensive] end. He’s learning the role, and he’s gonna be, you know, better with the ball in his hands. But defensively, you know, he’s, I think he’s already an elite player.
** Trey Burke on Snyder praising his pick and roll defense
I think it’s just a conscious effort, you know, every single possession, you know, on the defensive end. Not relaxing, you know, not getting too comfortable if your man passes the ball. You know, getting to the areas where you need to be at. And it’s just all about, you know, doing your job. You know, my bigs did a great job tonight of talking to me when the screen was coming, and you know, it’s all about competing at the end of the day.
** Trevor Booker on Enes Kanter’s absence
Enes was a big part of this team. He was a big-time scorer, a rebounder. But I think we got better defensively, and I think defensively, it carries over to the offense.

* I was listening to the post-game on a plane, so the accuracy of these transcriptions have a margin of error of plane noise.

Random Stuff, etc.
** Steve Novak and Enes Kanter, arriving in Oklahoma City (via @stevenovak16):

** The Kings have called up David Stockton from the D-League on a 10-day contract.
** Only in Utah: Family Package = SIX tickets.

only in utah

** Jazz spelling fail: John Stockton is your all-time seals leader.

most seals

** Quin Snyder said he was giving Rodney Hood a hard time over his new shoes with red on the bottom. So Hood is apparently wearing Louboutin kicks? (This part also has a margin of error of plane noise.)

Unintentional Dirty Quote Machines of the Night (UDQM)
** Quin Snyder on Rudy Gobert’s defense on LaMarcus Aldridge: He’s just long. And it’s a different — he’s got enough length to make it a little different.
** Dennis Lindsey on Kanter trade: If it weren’t for Enes and his significant basketball ability and age and overall talent, we wouldn’t have received the package that we received.
** Lindsey on Hayward: In years past, he’d miss a shot or have a bad week, and he would shrink.
** Craig Bolerjack to Lindsey: How important, though, when it comes time to make a trade or make a move, when you can say, “I’ll slide in a ‘one’ or I’ll slide in a couple of ‘twos’?”
** Lindsey on jinxes: As soon as you say that, guys, it’s like, bang bang bang, here comes LaMarcus.
** Dennis Lindsey on the Enes Kanter trade: We were able to break Enes up into pieces. (H/T @hessrp)
** Media member to Gobert, post-game: Trey talked about your ability to communicate. Let him know what’s behind him, let him know what’s coming.

Red denotes most recent game.

game 54

Thanks to @UGottaLovItBaby and @j32jam for the assist on the W-L record tonight.