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Preseason Off-Day Odds and Ends

October 16, 2010


Two. Is it just me, or does ESPN have less and less credibility with each passing season? One would almost have to conclude from looking at ESPN’s website that some higher-up with a vendetta is deliberately trying to erode the integrity of ESPN’s sports coverage, and/or is accepting kickbacks from/being threatened or blackmailed by Maverick Carter. Take this, for example:

I mean…really? And what about what passes for “headlines” over there?

Can you imagine what the site would look like if the Jazz got the “ZOMG !!!HYPE TREATMENT!!!”?

Three. Beat writer: How did you lose the weight this offseason?
Fes: Starve.

He’s sure got the comic timing down pat (video).

Four. Deron will be sitting out the next two preseason games due to a “strained calf.” Those are two words Jazz fans probably don’t ever want to hear again after last season. As long as there are no subsequent reports containing the words “in different places,” however, this could actually be a good thing in that it’ll give the backups some burn and the opportunity to get acclimated to the system if needed.

Five. Came across this the other day here. Thought it was pretty dead on.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Eriiiiiich permalink
    October 17, 2010 8:52 pm

    Why is it that every post you write seems to echo the exact thoughts running through my head? Also, stop being so funny, you’re KILLING ME.

    • October 18, 2010 1:01 am

      You know what they say about great minds…and just by the way, you said such nice things that my first thought was that your comment must be spam lol.

  2. Eriiiiiich permalink
    October 18, 2010 5:12 pm

    Maybe it’s because we’re both such huge AK-47 fans.


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