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January 20, 2009

There are tons of Jazz bloggers and reporters out there that are smarter than me and know more about the game than me that are writing/have written midseason reports and report cards.

So I won’t be doing that. Reasons: 1) the one listed above; 2) I’m lazy; 3) I would want to get it done before Game 42 and there are only 12 hours left until Game 42, most of which is sleep time; 4) this Jazz season can really (really!) be summed up with one picture:

(pictures from

A random look at the extraneous accessories sported by Jazzmen this season so far, including but not limited to walking boots, wheelchairs, tights, knee and elbow braces, goggles, and gauze pads:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Some highlights and lowlights that stick out in my mind:
–Jerry’s 1000th win with the Jazz
–Jerry’s 21st anniversary as Jazz head coach
–Hot Rod’s 3000th Jazz broadcoast
–The Carlos Boozer Soap Opera, starring, written by, directed, and produced by Carlos Boozer
–General Hospital SLC
–Road woes and playing down to level of competition continue
–Having hope is often stupid
–…But, I still believe at the beginning of every game that the Jazz are going to win.

Go Jazz!

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